Vilcabamba. Even the name has a nice, round, clean and friendly feel to it. Our first glimpse of the town was no disappointment. It is nestled in the bosom of a circle of lush green hills where clear mountain streams rush through meadows of colourful flowers, butterflies of many shapes and sizes loop through the hedgerows, the cows munch the grass and centegenarians potter down the middle of the wide streets, passed more frequently by horses than cars. People come here to relax and watch the clouds race up the valley, and to swing in hammocks whilst listening to the patter of the various types of rain that falls each day.
We checked into Hosteria Izhcayluma, perched atop one of Vilcabamba´s hills with sweeping views of the valley. We have a cabin with a hammock on the terrace and views into a secluded valley. There is a pool, fed by a mountain stream which trickles down through the flower-filled gardens. There are birds living in the wall above our bed and we awake to the towns of hungry chicks chirping for their breakfast.
We have now been here for 6 days, and although it doesn´t come naturally even I have been able to sit still and while away some hours swinging in the hammocks, watching the rain, devouring books. It was my birthday on Sunday and we went horse riding in the morning, cantering lazily through the lush green fields on beautiful, spirited horses and then I had a massage and a facial in the afternoon and a fantastic dinner where Mike had organised a surprise cake. Yesterday we went for a whole day ride, sitting tight while the horses clambered up and down impossibly steep and slippery paths to the Podocarpus National Park. At the end of the day, having reached the bottom of the mountain safely, the horses needed to burn off some energy and we galloped home in a huge thunderstorm, as rain drops the size of golfballs soaked us - and the horses - to the skin in seconds.
They say that the water, fresh air and healthy diets of the Vilcabambans contribute to the extremely high numbers of healthy golden oldies cruising the streets here. Perhaps though I have gained a year in Vilcabamba, I have lost a few months in the process. Let´s hope so!
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