Monday, 18 May 2009

The end.

My very last blog post. Permit me to get a little cheesy here as with a lump in my throat I try and sum up our amazing adventure. Here goes.

Seven months, eleven countries. The highest mountains, the most beautiful seas, sparkling lakes, myriad flowers. Humming birds, southern right wales, mountain gorillas, elephants and lions. Music. Street parties, African singing that made our hair stand on end and tears fill our eyes, South American rhythms forcing our feet into action. Remote villages, camera shy children, old men with heavy loads and kind smiles, con artists, crowded buses.

We've travelled thousands upon thousands of miles, eaten hundreds of delectable meals and met people who have shown us immeasurable kindness. We have shared memories that will last forever and a sense of perspective on our own lives that we will endeavour to employ to good ends.

We were happy - every day - even when floods stopped our progress and when we were stranded in places we never meant to go. We were free - to go where we wanted, when we wanted and to change our plans at the last minute. Most of all we were lucky. Lucky that we were able to do this trip, lucky that we could do it together, lucky that we returned home safely and lucky that we have what we have - so much more than so many people we met along the way.

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