Monday, 18 August 2008

Are we ready?

Equipment is bought, bags are packed, guide book spines are broken and we're almost off.

We fly into Cape Town on September 13th and we've got three weeks to make it to Jozie to meet up with our friend Malcolm for a week exploring the Kruger National Park in search of the "Big Five". Next, a hop up to Tanzania for two weeks leading a Fulcrum Challenge and then we have five weeks to conquer the bumpy roads and dubious infrastructure of East Africa.

After that it's home to the UK to replenish our packs with new pants before we head to Brazil for Christmas and New Year. From there we have four months to saunter through Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru before we arrive in Equador to top it all off with a swanky Galapagos cruise.

Join us as we explore with elephants, gawp at gorillas, flirt with flamingos and dance with dysentry.

1 comment:

David Beard said...

I am now musing on the state your "first stage" pants will arrive back in ....