Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Oh Vee, Oh My

A tent. It's not really that much of a big deal is it? A few sheets of nylon, a zip to get in, a couple of sturdy pegs, some poles, and voila! A home to call your own. This is why rather than opt for the North Face Super-Snail, All-weather RX2107 I opted for the little known, brand 'Oh Vee'. No-one has ever heard of it. The Oh Vee website is under construction. It sells - brand new - on ebay for less than £50 and it has a spec that rivals the best on the market. Curiosity gets the better of me. I just have to have it.
We set it up in the living room for a test run. The poles seem to be suffering from a rare form of osteoporosis, the pegs are made of lead and the tent itself really has to be seen to be believed. It's wonky. A large label proclaims 'Made in China' to those lucky enough to make it inside.
I give it two sleeps, Mike reckons 'at least' twenty. So, we have decided that for each night the Oh Vee accommodates us, we will donate £1 to my friend Boo's charity - the Lepaura Clinic, part of Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya. Watch this space. The Oh Vee Sleepathon begins next week...

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